Month: October 2008

  • Doors Open; Doors Close

    I have been cast as George in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. This is a really great role and might turn out to be the best of my career. The show is written so well and George is a, if not the, center point. As is the case whenever you have a “drawing room” drama or comic-drama, timing is everything. The show should sparkle but it can sink of its’ own weight if poorly acted. I think that the director, Lou Stallsworth has assembled a great cast. Ruth Markoe is Martha and she just knocked me out at the callback last night. Many readers know Ruth as a director but I think you’re going to see a whole new Ruth come January. I don’t know our young couple, Ashley and Dan. I’ll report more on them when I know it. So, I finally have something to write about again, stay tuned!

    I do regret however that this pretty much precludes La Mancha and I’ll be withdraing from the audition. Don Quixote would also be a great role but both John Maurer and Lou are very good directors who demand and deserve the best that actors can give. I know that the role of George is so demanding that I need to put all of my efforts into defining and refining him. I do regret that I won’t be working for MP Productions though. I kind of had planned on that since I heard they were doing the show. Maybe next time.

  • On the Horns

    Not long after I posted my last, I got a message from Tara, the stage manager of Woolf, that indeed callbacks were rescheduled for this Wednesday. They’re still looking for Nick. So that puts me in potential play for two shows. I may get neither, but if I get Woolf, can I do La Mancha? I mean, I know I could do it, but will I be taken out of the running if I get Woolf? I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what develops. I may be offered neither, I may not get Woolf, I may drop dead tonight; all possibilities. In the interim, I’ll study George and study Don and see where the metaphorical chips fall.

  • The Woolf is at the Door

    I may have messed up a chance to play George. I’m not positive mind you but… The stage manager called on Tuesday night and asked me to come to a callback late Saturday afternoon or early evening. Now, keep in mind, I’ve already done two rounds of this process. Well anyway, I’m going out of town this weekend and so responded that I could not do Saturday but that I would do Sunday if requested. And? I haven’t heard anything back. Might mean nothing, probably means something.

    The bright spot, and it is very potentially bright, is that Man of LaMancha auditions are next week. Now Maurer Productions, being all Perryed up, is going to have lots of talented people auditioning but I figure I’ve got a decent shot at Don Quixote. John M. who is directing, kind of signalled that doing both shows was not going to happen so, even if the Woolf knocks, I will need to make a quick decision as to where my best option lies (lays?). Of course, had I been cast three weeks ago in Woolf, I’d have no current dilemma but, so goes life in the small theater.

    Of course the Phils won the pennant, making three times in my life (1980, 1993, now. I wasn’t alive for the 1950 series, just missed it!) Go PHILS!

  • Who knows what evil lurks?

    Well this is certainly interesting. I got a phone call from the stage manager of Woolf to let me know that there was going to be another round of callbacks next week, skipping this week entirely, date and time tba. I can only assume that there were other auditions, although I can’t even assume that. There were only two of us reading for George. How difficult is that? Flip a coin, I don’t know. I have stopped trying to read the minds of directors; it’s dark and dirty in there. I haven’t even wanted to get back to other people (Marthas) who were at the callbacks; what if they haven’t been called back? If the measure of a good show is the agonizing over casting, this show will be spectacular.

    Pat Bartlett called me to alert me to an opportunity to gain equity points by understudying several shows at Two River Theatre Company in Red Bank, NJ. This sounds like an excellent opportunity (it also sounds as though they’re hard up for men “of a certain age.” ) I would LOVE to jump at the chance but unfortunately Red Bank is at least 75 miles from my home. More from my work. While I am tempted to declare bankruptcy and jump at it; I haven’t yet grown the balls. Given the current economic debacle I just can’t give up work; not yet anyway.

  • Limbo Land

    Went to the callbacks for Woolf on Tuesday; still no word. The director said he would let all know yea or nay so I guess there’s just no decision yet. Always a fun thing to wait. I believe I did a good job but, as I said below, that really doesn’t mean anything. I could be too something: old, young, tall, thin, heavy, dark…too me in the end. Or else…I fit right into the director’s vision. We’ll see what happens.

    The callbacks were interesting in that there were but two of us called for George, about four for Martha, only one Nick (I figure he got the role) and I think three Honeys (that’s the character’s name, not a rude comment upon their looks). Dianne W. and Ruth M., both directors in their own right, were up for Martha. I didn’t know the other people. The director was nothing if not thorough. He had pretty much every combination of actors read together. He certainly saw all of the possibilities. I have a feeling I’ll know something today, tomorrow at the latest. I’ll let y’all know.