Month: October 2009

  • It has been a long time!

    I see I haven't written in months. Of course that's because I've been on Facebook. Any friends lurking on Xanga ought to check me on FB. Anyway, here's an update from FB.

    I haven't written of Equus in a while and so I know everyone is waiting with baited breathe to get an update. (Btw, what do you use for bait? (Look, I know it's "bated" it's a joke; get it?)

    The really good news is that I'm pretty much off book for the show. Given that this is a killer for my character, this is saying something. I have finally learned; start memorizing early. I still have to call for lines, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and for once it's not an oncoming train. Last night was actually the first time that the entire cast was together. I know that sounds strange, but there've been accidents on top of illness on top of priors. Nevertheless, the acting is really excellent for the most part. Matty Daley as Alan Strang is going to dazzle y'all. The boy is really looking quite exceptional. (Sorry to call you "boy" Matty given that you just turned 20 and all...but, you just turned 20 and all.) Get your tickets to EQUUS at

    I've gotten so many inquiries about nudity! So for the record: I am not nude (you're all safe!), the horses are not nude (they wear shoes), as for Alan and Jill...well you're going to have to come and see now won't you?

    The audition notices for Fiddler on the Roof at Kelsey came out today. I've always wanted to play Tevye, since seeing the great Zero Mostel play the part. In addition, I have heard "you should play Tevye" even more often in my life than I have heard "would you shut the F... up?" Still, I don't know. Having shed my excess avoirdupois (look it up), I am no longer morphologically similar to Zero. Can a thin Tevye play? In addition, I have, at Kelsey, a history of playing heavy or dramatic roles. Okay, there was Luigi Gaudi in Lucky Stiff...but everyone else has been pretty sober. I have had no luck auditioning for Playful Productions since playing Scrooge in Christmas Carol the Musical. But, even given the above, I am provisionally putting my hat in the ring. Fiddler remains one of the few musicals that interest me and if I'm to play Tevye at all; it will need to be soon. In addition, it would be nice to work with Suz, Ruth, Nancy, and Dani again!