December 14, 2008

  • Not Quite a Comedy of Errors

    I have been sitting in all weekend trying to smash these lines into my head. This is by far the most difficult show I've ever done. I'm not certain why. I mean I've done Shakespeare and not had this much difficulty memorizing. I'd say it's the quantity of lines but that's not true; I've done lots of lines before (An Empty Plate, Shakespeare). It may be the many non sequiturs with which Albee litters George's speech, I don't now. I'll get it eventually. I still have all night (if I avoid the computer). There is though a little extra problem of needing to memorize the Latin Mass for the Dead. That may take another week.

    Speaking of Shakespeare and avoiding the computer (how's that for a transition?) I was looking in my junk mail file today, something I do periodically because occasionally things get sent there that don't belong, and I found an email from Chuck DeLong over at Collingswood Shakespeare asking if I was interested in Vincentio in their production of Measure for Measure! I am so bummed! First off, it's not that I was universally loved at Collingswood and having them believe I ignored an invite is not something I want bandied about. (For the edification of all; I never ignore requests or messages. If you try and reach me and I don't answer, I didn't get the message. Except on Facebook when people send me flowers, dogs, knighthoods, Karma, Flair, and other shit; I never answer that. I have a theory that accepting those applications fucks your computer in the long run.) So...sorry Collingswood people and especially you Chuck. I would have seriously considered trying for the role.  It's a great role and one I've wanted to do. Oh well. Good luck to Collingswood on your production.

Comments (3)

  • Kim Matthews (of Collingswood Shakespeare, our admirable Miss Kitty and costumer) held a Saturnalia party recently and that very subject came up, of the difficulty in memorizing lines which are non-sequitors, or at the least meaningless to our cultured (using "cultured" to mean tuned to our culture) ears. Myself, I likened it to the studies regarding masters of various games (go and chess were specifically covered IIRC) and their ability to reconstruct a board after seeing it once and then having it removed. As long as the position presented was one that was possible in-game, the experts had success rates thousands of times better than amateurs, being able to reconstruct almost any position presented. With boards that could not happen within the game, they had the exact same success rate as amateurs. So something in our head definitely requires items to follow a known cognitive model for us to remember them (on a side note, I recently read a review of Michael Tomasello’s Constructing a Language and apparently they're finding that learning a language, particularly for toddlers, works the same way. A child will not learn the word rabbit and understand it unless they've experienced a rabbit. Otherwise, they identify the word with the specific rabbit that their parent was pointing to, or possibly some quality of the creature or environment).

    ^_^ I'm sorry you're not going to be in Measure for Measure. I'll be playing one of the Lucios (They're doing actual double casting on this one with no role going to the same person in both casts as best I understand). FWIW, I don't think you have as many detractors as you might think. Yes, people were a bit annoyed when they first found your blog, but as much as anything, it's that shock most people have when they realize someone's been writing about them online. It's like finding out someone's been talking behind your back, except you get frustrated by the fact that they weren't really talking behind your back; you just weren't listening at the right time and place to hear it. Now that they know that you blog about your experiences, I suspect they would just read it and treat it the same as if you'd said the words aloud while at practice or at the bar relaxing afterwards. By the by, should the role come up needing someone (we've already had one cast member replaced because something came up), is it a time period when you would be free, or are you already committed? I think Chuck asked you because he seriously felt you'd do well in the role, and if we do wind up with a hole in the cast, I could always mention you as someone who might be able to fill in.

    Lastly, I'm totally with you on the Facebook application front. For one, the sheer quantity of crap out there... definitely proves Sturgeon was right. Secondly, people are opening some serious security holes. I've seen two different worms go out via Facebook applications, both of which spread by contacting everyone in your friend group and sending out more invitations. One even managed to figure out mailing list addresses and started spamming French advertisements to the mailing lists the infected account had accessed. Currently, I block all invites I get. If people don't like it, they can lump it.

  • @Duggan - 

    Hey Sean!
    Good to hear from you. Glad you're in Measure for Measure, hope it's good. I seriously considered going to Kim's party but I got all inhibited, y'know? You're actually the only one I have contact with from Collingswood and I felt a bit strange just showing up. I received the invite but that's because I'm part of the Collingswood Facebook group. It's just me; I'm as strange as anyone I know when it comes to socialization. I was truly bummed not to get the email from Chuck, I would like to work with him as a director. I have the feeling I'd enjoy it. I'm always interested in meaty classic roles as long as they're not double cast.
    Woolf is coming along, I'll be posting some new insights tonight.
    Don't know what's up next. Media theater is doing All Shook Up and there's a role in there sounds possible for me. I might try them again.
    Keep in touch, let me know what's up with you and regards to the Collingswood folks.

  • I'm in the Collingswood production of Measure for Measure as Pompey the bawd. It's a really clever adaption and I hope you get a chance to come see it.

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